Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Whole30 Day 1 and My Beginning Measurements

Today is day one of the Whole30 and my new workout plan.... so far so good!  Today's workout was TurboFire HIIT15.  It's an intense workout that only lasts about fifteen minutes, but gets your heart racing like you've been working out for hours! I definitely struggled today and could tell that I have let myself get out of shape. :(

I did have two no-no's today by Whole30 standards that hopefully shouldn't happen again.  This morning I woke up late and the only thing I had to grab for breakfast was a paleo friendly fruit and nut bar.  It would've been okay if it weren't for the honey in it, which is not allowed during the Whole30.  Then, after my workout, I knew I needed to get some protein in me as soon as possible.  I just couldn't stomach eating anything solid after such an intense workout so I opted for my Progenex Recovery protein shake.  My no-no's were at least healthy choices, just not Whole30 approved.  I plan on being better prepared in the future and stocking up on some on-the-go items so I don't have to settle for poor choices. I also hope that, as I'm getting in better shape, I won't have to rely on a protein shake after my workouts.. or at least can get some ingredients so that I can make some homemade versions.

Today's lunch was sooo good, and entirely simple.  I grilled a couple turkey burgers and topped them with avocado.  Then had a side salad that included spinach, kale, onions, mushrooms, sweet peppers and black olives with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.  It was fantastic!  This afternoon I plan to take some chili my husband made (with no beans) to work with me.  I'll also probably bring some almonds and strawberries to have as a snack if needed.

Now, moving on to my beginning measurements. I've went back on forth on whether I was going to share these now or wait until the end and post them with my results.  However, I figured this would be the best way to hold myself accountable, no matter how embarrassed I may be by these numbers.  So here we go, my starting measurements are.....
Weight: 191.6lbs
Body Fat: 26.5%
Waist: 38"
Lower Abs (aka my BIGGEST problem area): 44"
Hips: 43"
Left Thigh: 25.5"
Right Thigh: 26"
Chest: 44"
Right Arm: 12.5"
Left Arm: 13"

I forgot to have my husband take a "Before" picture for me this morning, so I will do that tomorrow but probably won't post it until the end with my "After" picture.  My next task is to hide my scale so I don't obsess over weighing myself everyday.   That's all I've got for now.. so wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad your first day went well. And that lunch does look pretty darn good! I'm so proud of you for taking this step. Keep it up!
