Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 1 Recap

Well yesterday was my first day getting back in routine.  I stuck to paleo for the most part, but wasn't super strict on myself.  We also did the Day 1 video for TurboFire.  It was a lot of fun and we got a good sweat going!

I'm SO glad that I have Jodi to hold me accountable and do TurboFire with me.  I've been so exhausted the past couple days, I really don't think I'd do it if she wasn't coming over to do it with me.  I don't know what my problem is, I've been getting 8+ hours of sleep every night, but the past three days it just has seemed like that isn't enough.  This being exhausted crap is also killing my ability to stay on track with paleo.  I'm literally falling asleep at my desk and caved and got a Pepsi so I could have some caffeine.  That combined with my ridiculous addiction to cream cheese and triscuit crackers (which are extremely non-paleo) = not a great start to my day so far.  I have lunch and dinner planned out for the rest of the day though, so as long as I stick with it I should be okay.

Tonight for dinner I'm trying Juli Bauer's (PaleOMG) Cilantro Chicken "Nuggets" recipe.  I already have some ground turkey on hand though, so I guess I'll be making Turkey "Nuggets" instead.  I'll be sure to let you know how they turn out!  I love all of her recipes and her blog is definitely my go-to source for delicious paleo meals.  Check her out!

Monday, May 13, 2013

My First Post!

As I have said, a lot of my posts are going to be about my journey to living a healthier lifestyle. Between pregnancy food aversions that only allowed me to keep down bread, pasta and potatoes, and then the comfort eating that I participated in pretty heavily after our miscarriage.. I gained a whopping 42lbs!!  Starting in January, I finally said enough was enough and decided to do something about it.   I got back on my paleo diet and started working out pretty regularly.

That would be all well and good, except I've had a major problem with motivation.  I'll do really well for a week or two, then I start to slack off with working out and stray away from paleo.  So I've basically been yo-yo'ing with the same 15lbs since January.  Now that I'm back where I started, I've decided enough is enough.  I'm picking back up with the paleo again starting today!  For dinner, my husband is making steaks on the grill with mushrooms and onions and I'm going to bake some sweet potatoes.  My husband is on board with paleo, so that will be a BIG help when it comes to eating.

My friend Jodi and I are doing a 90 day round of TurboFire, starting tonight. We work together, and I live pretty close to our place of employment, so we decided to do our workout directly after work.  We figured that would be the best way to keep our motivation going.  If you've ever tried TurboFire, you know it takes a decent chunk of coordination.. which anybody who knows me knows that I lack.  (I didn't get the nickname "Grace" for nothin') So this should be interesting, or entertaining to say the least.  Either way I'm excited!

I need to make these changes and make them permanent.  No more excuses.  I don't know what it was about my whole pregnancy experience that just took away all my motivation, but I'm ready to get it back.  I'm tired of wearing maternity pants, even though I haven't been pregnant for over 6 months.  I'm tired of feeling like complete crap all the time and I'm tired of feeling insecure.  I'm ready to start making these changes TODAY.

This is me, this my journey..welcome!