Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 5... Exhausted!

I am whooped today! I didn't get home from work last night till 3am and fell asleep around 4 or 5.  I didn't get out of bed till about 11am and that was a battle.  I am proud to say, I still did my workout today!  I was so surprised to see how much easier it was already!  It was TurboFire Fire30, which I've already done this week, and I not only made it through the whole thing with no breaks this time.. but I finished with the same intensity I started with.  It's a great feeling to know that I'm already making progress with my stamina. It definitely gives me the motivation to keep going.

I've come to the conclusion today that I have had too many cheats to even call this a "Whole30" anymore.  I have been eating much healthier though and have been doing so in a way that I think will make this maintainable long term. I think that's what matters and so I'm okay with that.  I also feel as if I don't do this the way I am, then after 30 days of being so strict on myself, like required of the Whole30, I'll just have an all out binge and negate all the hard work I had done in the 30 days.  I'm still not going to weigh myself again or take any measurements until after the 30 days is over. I'll probably do this every 30 days and continue to track my progress until I reach my goals!

I am entirely proud of myself having completed my first full week of eating healthy and working out.  I didn't skip a single workout and finished each one, even when I wanted nothing more than to quit.  That's all I have for now, I have to get ready for work. It's going to be another long night!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be too hard on yourself - that's not what a Whole 30 is about. It's about more than just food. It's about learning to nourish your body with all the right things. Keep going. At the end you'll be able to say that you had a rough start but finished strong, and then you can extend to a whole 45 or 60 or whatever you want.
    You're doing great! Great job on the workout today!
